Sunday, May 09, 2010

Britain's Best Dish?

Today is Britain's Best Dish audition, hurrah! Can my Trio of Britain's Best Sponges win?

Tricky to pick just three, but I've settled on mini cherry bakewell (lip-smacking, almondy sponge), chocolate orange swiss roll (three cheers for the humble swiss roll!) and a lemon curd drizzle (tangfastic).

Bomb up motorway to Cambridge for audition, mini cherry bakewell in the passenger seat. Producers think it's yum - but then comes the bad news. Trio not allowed, because I sell cake at the market! Drat. Wish they'd given me the heads up there. Judges put me on the spot: "What else can you do?", one of them says through a mouthful of bakewell. I suggest hot chocolate and prune fondant. Judges are prune fans and ask me to enter it pronto. Success!

Whizz back home (leftover mini cherry bakewell ='s car snack) and into the kitchen. New mission: make Britain's best hot chocolate and prune fondant in 48 hours!