On the menu: chives, two types of basil (sweet and cinnamon) and chicory. Now there's a salad mix screaming for tomatoes: cherry, plum and orange are delish. A border of marigolds keeps the slugs away (a top tip from mum).
My tomatoes are sun-bathing and each one stands in a special green pot. It is these doughnut pots, the label assures me, that will help my fruits grow big, strong and tasty enough for a home-made salsa...
1 week later...

Aside from a teeny tiny snail on my chicory (now relocated), all is peachy in the herb garden. Used chives for the first time - mixed with cream cheese and pepper to stuff a
breadcrumb-topped mushroom, yumski.

BIG news: if you squint and focus real hard on the centre of the photo, you may just spot a little yellow flower...the timid beginnings of a blossoming cherry tomato plant.
Far left-hand plant is lagging behind: I reckon it's lack of sunshine, so have shifted soil bag to the the right, away from the shade of our washing line.
2 weeks later...
Teeney yellow flower count is up to two, hurrah! I think after two weeks, I have to start watering the outer-ring of my doughnut...I wonder if that will make a difference?
Alas the slugs and snails have a taste for my cinnamon basil and so, regrettably, I put some of those fluorescent blue pellets down at the weekend - the Marigolds, it seems, just aren't enough to keep slimy pests at bay. Total frazzled so far: six snails and two slugs...R.I.P fellas.
4 weeks later...
Bushy, bushy, bushy...tommies are well on their way. Had some ruby red cherry toms at the BBC Good Food show yesterday...I aim for the same, sweet perfection! No fruit as of yet, but stay tuned folks.